Mabble Madness

Mabble Media Staff. Each one represents a Mabble value or campaign.
Passion can look a lot like madness.Anyone who runs a startup knows that you have to believe in something bigger than a dollar figure to get a startup off the ground. We get it, we are doing this thing one paycheck at a time because we believe that our art can be powerful tools to change a developing city for the better.
If we so much as look at a bad website, we instantly feel the need to save the day, no matter what the cost – our passion for beauty and good design drives us – sometimes out of our minds and away from normal sleep hours.
Thankfully, there have been a few things we try to keep in mind that have kept us sane along the way:
1. Make Work Fun.
2. Live Beyond the Work Hours (and sometimes work beyond them, too).
3. Don’t be Ashamed to Pay Yourself.
4. Surround Yourself with People who are Better than You.
5. Don’t work for money (but don’t forget to charge what you’re worth).