Announcing Wash-oe Hands

With the current climate residing somewhere in between that of a ghost city and a Stephen King novel you get at the thrift store for $3, it can be hard to see past the chaos. But the current crisis will certainly come to an end. The world will begin to yawn and stretch and wiggle its toes. Shops will open, Tahoe shores will be lined with beachgoers, restaurants will be too busy, and your clients will be eager to return to your business. There is a light at the end of this tunnel.
In the meantime, why not come together? Today, Mabble Media is launching Wash-oe Hands!, an initiative whose goal is to spread optimism and help connect our community in our time of need. We’re starting a Facebook group that will be open to the public. Anyone is welcome to join and offer their help to others, or to voice needs they may have.
In addition, we’re sharing some tips on how you can play an active role in strengthening our community.
- Donate blood | Blood banks are taking a hit during this outbreak. Blood drives have had to be cancelled, but you can still donate. If you are healthy, consider donating blood/platelets.–covid-19–and-blood-donation.html
- Donate non-perishable foods | Food banks have empty shelves. Grocery stores and markets have been cleared of non-perishable goods, as families have been stockpiling for potential emergencies. Food banks rely on these items and are running out. Consider parting with a few boxes of pasta/cans of soup for the sake of families who don’t have the privilege of taking extensive precautions.
- Use Technology | Self-isolation is the socially responsible thing to do if we’re going to slow down this virus, but you can still keep in contact with your loved ones! Now is the time to call your mom, facetime your friends from college, or text your friend just to let them know you’re thinking of them. Getting on the Wash-oe Hands! Facebook group is another great way to stay connected!
Anyone is welcome to join and offer their help to others, or to voice needs they may have. We are open to suggestions to how this group can best serve the community. Additionally, if you need help but do not want to post to a public place, you can email and we will help connect you to the right people. Thank you, Reno. We love you and we appreciate you.